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Saturday, July 20, 2013
Friday, July 5, 2013
postingan kali ini tentang galeri class c fpbs ikip mataram....
pada heboh foto2an di class or di tempat-tempat rekreasi, di sini akan saya tampilkan foto2 mereka di sini....
postingan kali ini tentang galeri class c fpbs ikip mataram....
pada heboh foto2an di class or di tempat-tempat rekreasi, di sini akan saya tampilkan foto2 mereka di sini....
di pantai kuta
depan kampus
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Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Reading Comprehension III
With utter gratitude to Almighty God, who has given grace and hidayahnya so we can complete the task of reading comprehension III. In preparing this assignment we got a lot of help and guidance from some parties, and we as authors make mistakes in compiling our job is.
So we were making up this task, we are looking forward to further criticism and constructive suggestions so that we can improve the quality of our job properly. Finally, we hope that this task can be useful especially for authors and readers in general.
FOREWORD …………………………………………………..
Persuasive text is aims to persuade the
reader to want to do something in accordance with the wishes of the author. In
order for the goal to be achieved, the author should be able to put forward
evidence with data and facts.
organisation of the structural components of a persuasive text (introduction,
body and conclusion) into an appropriate and effective text structure.
- Get the readers attention by using a "hook."
- Give some background information if necessary.
- Thesis or focus statement
- The writer then provides evidence to support the opinion offered in the thesis statement in the introduction. The body should consist of at least three paragraphs. Each paragraph is based on a solid reason to back your thesis statement. Since almost all issues have sound arguments on both sides of the question, a good persuasive writer tries to anticipate opposing viewpoints and provide counter-arguments along with the main points in the essay. One of the three paragraphs should be used to discuss opposing viewpoints and your counter-argument.
piece of persuasive writing usually ends by summarizing the most important
details of the argument and stating once again what the reader is to believe or
- Restate your thesis or focus statement.
- Summarize the main points: The conclusion enables your reader to recall the main points of your position. In order to do this you can paraphrase the main points of your argument
- . Write a personal comment.
Persuasive Text
As for some features of persuasive paragraphs:
• Expressing thoughts, ideas, or opinions.
• Aimed at influencing the attitude and opinion of the reader so that they want to do, act or do something voluntarily, according to the desired author.
• Proving truth, the author's opinion so as to create confidence and trust in the reader.
• Using several techniques such as rationalism, identification, autosuggestion, projections and replacement.
As for some features of persuasive paragraphs:
• Expressing thoughts, ideas, or opinions.
• Aimed at influencing the attitude and opinion of the reader so that they want to do, act or do something voluntarily, according to the desired author.
• Proving truth, the author's opinion so as to create confidence and trust in the reader.
• Using several techniques such as rationalism, identification, autosuggestion, projections and replacement.
Written in simple present tense
a movement usually from the generic
to the specific.
argue a case from a particular point of view
attempt to convince the reader/listener
texts (both oral and written) usually involve carefully and strategically,
selecting and organising
– often as a series of major points, each of which may require elaboration
(explanation, evidence
examples) – and have the specific intention of encouraging the reader into a
particular way of seeing
understanding things. This intention may, however, sometimes be covert. Such
texts generally make use
devices like vocabulary choice, rhetorical questions and even simple psychology
in order to influence the
(e.g. Any sensible person can see that... ).They often also combine other modes of communication
visual images) with written text in order to achieve the desired effect on
their audience.
all text types, variants of persuasion can occur and they can be combined with
other text types.
is not always necessarily a distinct text-type in its own right, and elements
of persuasive writing
can be
found in many different texts, both on paper or on screen.
Where you
can found Persuasive text ???
text can be found in essays, articles and adverstiments. In oral form we
usually find persuasive in campaign dan speech.
People Should Read Books.
It is quite a disappointment that
people have stopped reading books. Books used to be the only kind of
intellectual entertainment just a hundred years ago, but, with the invention of
radio, television, cinematography, and, most recently, the Internet and
computer games, it seems that reading books is no longer an option of a leisure
activity, at least for the younger generation. However, I believe that books
are an irreplaceable part of our lives, and the role that good books play on
the personal growth and development of a particular person throughout one’s
life, is a remarkable one. Books can hardly be replaced with movies, music and
interactive TV shows, and there are several reasons for that.
First of all, books expand our knowledge and conception of the world around us. You may argue that movies and TV documentaries do just that too, but I believe that books are a much better alternative, since they allow each reader to experience the same story using one’s own imagination. When a hundred people watch a movie or a TV show, they see the same thing – whatever the director and the operator wish to show. Books are very different. The experience achieved through reading is richer and more personal, since the same description and the same word choice will result in as many different interpretations as there are readers. We are all unique, and books allow us to experience whatever is narrated, in the light of our own personal values, through our ideas and our imagination.
Secondly, books enrich our vocabulary, introduce us to new notions and offer us a wider choice of words. With every book you read, you become more intelligent. Even reading one seemingly more primitive pulp fiction book per month, can enrich one’s personal vocabulary with dozens of new words, help build more concise sentences and express oneself better, make one’s speech more intelligent and sophisticated. Watching certain TV programs and documentary movies can also widen one’s vocabulary, but hardly as effectively as books do, since when reading, we operate with both visual and audial (if reading aloud) receptors, so our perception becomes more effective and our memory works more efficiently. In addition to that, our imagination reproduces mental pictures of what we are reading about, so a new word automatically links to a certain image and a certain feeling that it relates to. Therefore, reading books is a great tool when it comes to learning and developing one’s vocabulary at any age.
Finally, books are a great source of inspiration. Unlike fine art, architecture or travelling, books help us create our own mental illustration for everything we read on paper. So, in a way, books make us all artists and creators of our own mental cartoon, movie or illustration collection. Every image we create ourselves is automatically allotted a certain emotion, whether a simple or a more complicated one. So, every mental image that a written word causes is vibrant with feelings and emotions. This is what makes books so powerful and so memorable. This is what makes books evolutive for all of us. Books are an endless source of inspiration and motivation to become a better person.
I am certain that creating a system of symbols and eventually an alphabet, words, and books was the greatest invention of humankind. Of course, the books I am talking about are classics, those that do not have an expiration date and will be priceless for any generation. Books like that stay forever, they cannot die and cannot become outdated. They will keep sparking new ideas, inspiring new deeds and enriching the lives of every generation to come. Therefore, I am positive that books will eventually regain their popularity for today’s youth, since, unlike the popular kinds of entertainment in fashion today, books are those roots to which people will always go back, in search of the motivation, inspiration and aspiration, to find the meaning and value of things in life.
Persuasive Articles.
What is Love, Anyway? A "Twilight"
If you were given two choices, which would you choose: to
either live for an eternity with a controlling boyfriend whilst leaving behind
all traces of your former life and family, or to live your life to your fullest
with a happy, loving boyfriend who gives you your freedom while keeping your
family close? A hard choice to make, isn’t it? How about choosing heroin over
fresh, crisp, air? In the world of Twilight Edward Cullen is the ‘perfect’
vampire boyfriend that Bella is madly in love with but later unfortunately
dumps Bella and moves away. In enters Jacob Black, a friend of the family who
picks up the pieces of Bella’s heart and helps her heal by offering her
friendship, laughter, and smiles. But then, (cue dramatic music) Edward puts
himself in danger and Bella comes to his rescue. Edward wants to make a
reappearance in Bella’s life, and Jacob has been there through the fire. Which
to choose, which to choose? Jacob Black’s love is the healthiest and happiest
choice for Bella- he makes Bella genuinely happy and makes it clear where he
stands for her; he gives her the freedom to make her own decisions and live her
own life; and their love is real and together they can grow along with their
Before Jacob came along, Bella’s life was in total darkness; the light of her life was gone and she was stuck in a rut. With Jacob came light. In New Moon, Chapter 6, page 145, Bella describes Jacob as, “Jacob was simply a perpetually happy person, and he carried that happiness with him like an aura, sharing it with whoever was near him. Like an earthbound sun, whenever someone was within his gravitational pull, Jacob warmed them. It was natural, a part of who he was. No wonder I was so eager to see him.” Bella gravitated to his happiness, she was the moth to his light. He made her laugh for the first time in months as it says in New Moon, Chapter 6, page 141, “I was laughing, actually laughing, and there wasn’t even anyone watching. I felt so weightless that I laughed again, just make the feeling last longer.” In the subject of sincerity and openness, Jacob scores a perfect 10. He lets her know exactly what he feels for her and listens and accepts what she feels for him in return. In Eclipse, Chapter 14, page 327, Jacob confesses, “I’m in love with you, Bella. Bella, I love you. And I want you to pick me instead of him. I know you don’t feel that way, but I need the truth out there so that you know your options. I wouldn’t want a miscommunication to stand in our way.”
When Edward makes his reappearance, he brings with him a possessive and overprotective trait that stains Bella and his relationship. He becomes so concerned with her safety he starts to forbid her from doing some of her favorite activities, such as going to La Push to see Jacob. His attempts become obsessive when he starts messing with her car so that she can’t sneak out and go without his knowing and by kidnapping her to his house to be babysat by his sister to make sure she stays where he knows. He disregards her feelings towards his new concerns and doesn’t listen to her when she insists she would be just as safe with Jacob as with Edward. However, this could all be avoided if Bella chose Jacob- he gives Bella the freedom to do what she pleases. If Bella wanted to do something reckless, Jacob would not only let her, he would be right beside her doing it with her while making sure she didn’t hurt herself. In New Moon, Chapter 16, page 367, Jacob says “Look, do you mind saving the stupid stuff for when I’m around? I won’t be able to concentrate if I think you’re jumping off cliffs behind my back.”, proof that he prefers to be around when Bella decides to do something reckless so that he’s able to protect her from herself. Jacob is also not afraid to tell Bella the truth. He knows she’s strong enough to be able to deal with it and he’s not afraid to scare her with it. However, Edward keeps information from her that he thinks will scare her and instead makes decisions for her about the situation without telling her until last minute. Like Jacob says in Eclipse, Chapter 3, page 81, “Better frightened than lied to.”
Bella and Edward are the obvious love pairing in Twilight. Their chemistry, which is extremely high, plays a major part in their love: Edward is particularly attracted to the scent of her blood and is amazed that he cannot read her mind; Bella is struck by his surreal beauty and his mysterious vampire life. Without these factors, would these two have ended up together in normal circumstances? Jacob Black was already making his way into her life- his father and Bella’s father were best friends and their paths would have collided even without Bella speeding up the process by going to him for help. With Jacob’s easy warmth and friendliness, Bella and Jacob would have ended up together naturally. In Eclipse, Chapter 26, page 599, Jacob says,
“I’m exactly right for you, Bella. It would have been effortless for us — comfortable, easy as breathing. I was the natural path your life would have taken... If the world was the way it was supposed to be, if there were no monsters and no magic...” Indeed it would have been an easy, effortless love. With Edward, Bella can’t trust Edward’s love completely after he left, not that she was completely sure of it in the beginning; getting over being lied to about someone loving you is a hard thing to do. Since Edward is a vampire, he is frozen in time. In Eclipse, Chapter 22, page 500, he says “You think of me as a... living stone — hard and cold. That’s true. We are set the way we are, and it is very rare for us to experience a real change. When that happens, as when Bella entered my life, it is a permanent change. There’s no going back...” Edward’s feelings for Bella are permanent but since Bella is a human, and a very young one at that, she has a lot of room left to grow and change. In a healthy relationship, a couple should be able to grow and change together through life- it’s a part of life and therefore a part of love. Bella and Edward’s relationship is co-dependent and can be considered borderline abusive when adding in the manipulations Edward made to ensure Bella was ‘safe’. Also, after his return, Edward made sure to tell Bella of how he literally wouldn’t live without her, as in New Moon, Chapter 23, page 509, “ I thought I’d explained it clearly before. Bella, I can’t live in a world where you don’t exist.” This type of romantic confession had a manipulative edge to it, unlike Jacob’s, “Until your heart stops beating, Bella. I’ll be here — fighting. Don’t forget that you have options.”, found in Eclipse, Chapter15, page 330, which states his devotion to her without manipulating her with guilt.
Love often blinds people from what they don’t want to see. Often, true love is right there in front of you, like Jacob to Bella. What they have isn’t merely an obsession-driven lust fueled by a misleading chemistry, it’s real and it’s perfect for them. In Eclipse,Chapter 26, page 599, Jacob explains Edward’s effect on Bella perfectly: “He’s like a drug for you, Bella. I see that you can’t live without him now. It’s too late. But I would have been healthier for you. Not a drug; I would have been the air, the sun.” Jacob is healthier, and he would have filled Bella’s life with happiness, freedom, and the purest, most sincere love that anyone could give. If that’s not what real love is, then I don’t know what is.
Before Jacob came along, Bella’s life was in total darkness; the light of her life was gone and she was stuck in a rut. With Jacob came light. In New Moon, Chapter 6, page 145, Bella describes Jacob as, “Jacob was simply a perpetually happy person, and he carried that happiness with him like an aura, sharing it with whoever was near him. Like an earthbound sun, whenever someone was within his gravitational pull, Jacob warmed them. It was natural, a part of who he was. No wonder I was so eager to see him.” Bella gravitated to his happiness, she was the moth to his light. He made her laugh for the first time in months as it says in New Moon, Chapter 6, page 141, “I was laughing, actually laughing, and there wasn’t even anyone watching. I felt so weightless that I laughed again, just make the feeling last longer.” In the subject of sincerity and openness, Jacob scores a perfect 10. He lets her know exactly what he feels for her and listens and accepts what she feels for him in return. In Eclipse, Chapter 14, page 327, Jacob confesses, “I’m in love with you, Bella. Bella, I love you. And I want you to pick me instead of him. I know you don’t feel that way, but I need the truth out there so that you know your options. I wouldn’t want a miscommunication to stand in our way.”
When Edward makes his reappearance, he brings with him a possessive and overprotective trait that stains Bella and his relationship. He becomes so concerned with her safety he starts to forbid her from doing some of her favorite activities, such as going to La Push to see Jacob. His attempts become obsessive when he starts messing with her car so that she can’t sneak out and go without his knowing and by kidnapping her to his house to be babysat by his sister to make sure she stays where he knows. He disregards her feelings towards his new concerns and doesn’t listen to her when she insists she would be just as safe with Jacob as with Edward. However, this could all be avoided if Bella chose Jacob- he gives Bella the freedom to do what she pleases. If Bella wanted to do something reckless, Jacob would not only let her, he would be right beside her doing it with her while making sure she didn’t hurt herself. In New Moon, Chapter 16, page 367, Jacob says “Look, do you mind saving the stupid stuff for when I’m around? I won’t be able to concentrate if I think you’re jumping off cliffs behind my back.”, proof that he prefers to be around when Bella decides to do something reckless so that he’s able to protect her from herself. Jacob is also not afraid to tell Bella the truth. He knows she’s strong enough to be able to deal with it and he’s not afraid to scare her with it. However, Edward keeps information from her that he thinks will scare her and instead makes decisions for her about the situation without telling her until last minute. Like Jacob says in Eclipse, Chapter 3, page 81, “Better frightened than lied to.”
Bella and Edward are the obvious love pairing in Twilight. Their chemistry, which is extremely high, plays a major part in their love: Edward is particularly attracted to the scent of her blood and is amazed that he cannot read her mind; Bella is struck by his surreal beauty and his mysterious vampire life. Without these factors, would these two have ended up together in normal circumstances? Jacob Black was already making his way into her life- his father and Bella’s father were best friends and their paths would have collided even without Bella speeding up the process by going to him for help. With Jacob’s easy warmth and friendliness, Bella and Jacob would have ended up together naturally. In Eclipse, Chapter 26, page 599, Jacob says,
“I’m exactly right for you, Bella. It would have been effortless for us — comfortable, easy as breathing. I was the natural path your life would have taken... If the world was the way it was supposed to be, if there were no monsters and no magic...” Indeed it would have been an easy, effortless love. With Edward, Bella can’t trust Edward’s love completely after he left, not that she was completely sure of it in the beginning; getting over being lied to about someone loving you is a hard thing to do. Since Edward is a vampire, he is frozen in time. In Eclipse, Chapter 22, page 500, he says “You think of me as a... living stone — hard and cold. That’s true. We are set the way we are, and it is very rare for us to experience a real change. When that happens, as when Bella entered my life, it is a permanent change. There’s no going back...” Edward’s feelings for Bella are permanent but since Bella is a human, and a very young one at that, she has a lot of room left to grow and change. In a healthy relationship, a couple should be able to grow and change together through life- it’s a part of life and therefore a part of love. Bella and Edward’s relationship is co-dependent and can be considered borderline abusive when adding in the manipulations Edward made to ensure Bella was ‘safe’. Also, after his return, Edward made sure to tell Bella of how he literally wouldn’t live without her, as in New Moon, Chapter 23, page 509, “ I thought I’d explained it clearly before. Bella, I can’t live in a world where you don’t exist.” This type of romantic confession had a manipulative edge to it, unlike Jacob’s, “Until your heart stops beating, Bella. I’ll be here — fighting. Don’t forget that you have options.”, found in Eclipse, Chapter15, page 330, which states his devotion to her without manipulating her with guilt.
Love often blinds people from what they don’t want to see. Often, true love is right there in front of you, like Jacob to Bella. What they have isn’t merely an obsession-driven lust fueled by a misleading chemistry, it’s real and it’s perfect for them. In Eclipse,Chapter 26, page 599, Jacob explains Edward’s effect on Bella perfectly: “He’s like a drug for you, Bella. I see that you can’t live without him now. It’s too late. But I would have been healthier for you. Not a drug; I would have been the air, the sun.” Jacob is healthier, and he would have filled Bella’s life with happiness, freedom, and the purest, most sincere love that anyone could give. If that’s not what real love is, then I don’t know what is.
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text is persuade. Point from the Persuasive is Persuade.
A persuasive text typically consist of a statement of the
viewpoint, arguments and evidence, possibly some arguments and evidence
supporting a different view, and final summary all recommendation.
RUSTARI (11411130)
2. ASWADI (11411144)
3. MOH
AMIN (11411119)
BAHRI (11411122)
PRATIWI (11411129)
dan puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah melimpahkan rahmat dan
karunianya terutama rahmat kesempatan dan kesehatan sehingga kami dapat
menyusun makalah tentang Keterampilan dalam pembelajaran ini. Ucapan
terimakasih juga kami haturkan kepada bapak dosen pembimbing mata kuliah
Belajar dan pembelajaran.
Layaknya manusia yang tidak memiliki kesempurnaan,
mungkin dalam penyusunan makalah ini terdapat
berbagai macam kesalahan, oleh karena itu kami mengharapkan kritik dan saran
dari semua pihak untuk menyempurnakan makalah ini.
Mataram, Mei 2012
DAFTAR ISI ……………………………………………………………........................ii
Latar Belakang ……………………………………………………………………….1
Rumusan Masalah ……………………………………………………………………1
Tujuan …………………………………………………………………………...…....1
Pengertian Keterampialan Proses dalam pembelajaran……………………………….2
Jenis-jenis Keterampilan dalam Keterampilan dalam Keterampilan Proses..………..3
Pendekatan Keterampilan Proses dalam Pembelajaran………………………………9
Latar Belakang Masalah
Pada proses pembelajaran dimana guru diharapkan menjadi
sebagai fasilitator
dalam proses belajar mengajar, dengan pembelajaran yang lebih realistik Oleh
karena itu perlu diperhatikan
materi Keterampilan Dasar Pembelajaran sebagai dasar seorang guru melaksanakan kewajibannya dan untuk lebih
memudahkan tercapainya keberhasilan proses pembelajaran yang diinginkan.
penulisan makalah ini untuk menghasilkan suatu bahan ajar kepadasiswa-siswi yang mengikuti pembelajaran khususnya
Tingkat SatuanPendidikan SMA.Latihan mengajar terbatas bertujuan agar
mahasiswa calon guru:
1. Memahami
jenis-jenis keterampilan mengajar yang essensial, untuk membent kemampuan guru yang
2. Memahami
konsep dasar dan komponen setiap jenis keterampilanmengajar
Menguasai setiap jenis keterampilan, mengajar terbatas
yang essensial.
Ruang Lingkup
Yang harus dikuasai oleh mahasiswa
calon guru dalam latihan keterampilan mengajar terbatas:
1.Konsep dari setiap jenis keterampilan mengajar.
2.Komponen-komponen dari suatu ketermpilan mengajar
3.Penerapannya didepan kelas.
A. Pengertian
Keterampilan proses dapat diartikan sebagai wawasan atau
anutan pengembangan keterampilan- keterampilan intelektual, sosial dan fisik
yang bersumber dari kemampuan- kemampuan mendasar yang prinsipnya telah ada
dalam diri siswa (DEPDIKBUD, dalam Moedjiono, 1992/ 1993 : 14)
Menurut Semiawan, menyatakan bahwa
keterampilan proses adalah keterampilan fisik dan mental terkait dengan
kemampuan- kemampuan yang mendasar yang dimiliki, dikuasai dan diaplikasikan
dalam suatu kegiatan ilmiah, sehingga para ilmuan berhasil menemukan sesuatu
yang baru.
Dimyati dan Mudjiono (Sumantri,
1998/1999: 113) mengungkapkan bahwa pendekatan keterampilan proses bukanlah
tindakan instruksional yang berada diluar jangkauan kemampuan peserta didik.
Pendekatan ini justru bermaksud mengembangkan kemampuan- kamapuan yang dimiliki
peserta didik.
Dalam kegiatan
mengajar, begitu banyak hal yang harus diperhitungkan oleh guru misalnya:
1.Melibatkan kemampuan
guru/mahasiswa calon guru untuk menguasai materi.
2.Teknik pengelolaan PBM.
3.Pengelolaan waktu.
4.Pengendalian disiplin
5.Pelayanan terhadap perbedaan
kemampuan siswa.
6.Sikap terhadap profesi.
7.Sikap terhadap siswa.
a. Keterampilan Dasar Mengajar
meliputi :
membuka dan menutup pembelajaranKeterampilan membuka pelajaranadalah usaha guru
untuk mengkondisikanmental peserta didik agar siap dalam menerima pelajaran.
2.Dalam membuka
pelajaran peserta didik harus
mengetahui tujuan yang akan dicapai dan langkah-langkah yang akan
ditempuh.Tujuan membuka pelajaran adalah :Menyiapkan
mental siswa agar siap memasuki persoalan yang akan dipelajariatau
dibicaraka dan
minat serta pemusatan perhatian siswa terhadap apa yang akan dibicarakan dalam kegiatan
pembelajaran.Awal kegiatan pelajaran seorang guru harus melakukan kegiatan
membuka pelajaran
b. Cara untuk menimbulkan motivasi :
Hangat dan Antusias
ramah, antusias, bersahabat dan sebagainya. Sebab dapatmendorong
tingkah dan kesenangan dalam mengerjakan tugas sehingga motivasi siswa akan timbul.
Rasa Ingin Tahu Melontarkan ide yang bertentangan dengan mengerjakan
masalah atau kondisi
diri kenyataan sehari-hari
Contoh :
transmigrasi dapat meningkatkan kemakmuran penduduk mengapa banyak penduduk di pulau
jawa tidak mau transmigrasi.
B. Jenis-jenis Keterampilan
dalam Keterampilan Proses
Ada berbagai keterampilan dalam keterampilan
proses, keterampilan-keterampilan tersebut terdiri dari
keterampilan-keterampilan dasar (basic skills) dan keterampilan-keterampilan
terintegrasi (integrated skills). Keterampilan-keterampilan dasar terdiri dari
enam keterampilan, yakni: mengobservasi, mengklasifikasi, memprediksi,
mengukur, menyimpulkan, dan mengkomunikasikan. Sedangkan
keterampilan-keterampilan terintegrasi terdiri dari: mengindentifikasi variabel,
membuat tabulasi data, menyajikan data dalam bentuk grafik, menggambarkan
keterhubungan antar variabel, mengumpulkan dan mengelolah data, menganalisa
penelitian, menyusun hipotesa, mendifinisikan variabel secara operasional,
merancang penelitian, dan melaksanakan eksperimen.
Sejumlah keterampilan proses yang dikemukakan
oleh Funk di atas, dalam kurikulum (Pedoman Proses Belajar Mengajar)
dikelompokkan menjadi tujuh keterampilan proses. Adapun 7 (tujuh) keterampilan
proses tersebut adalah mengamati, menggolongkan, menafsirkan, meramalkan,
menerapkan, merencanakan penelitian dan mengkomunikasikan. (Depdikbud.,
1. Mengamati
Melalui mengamati kita belajar tentang dunia
sekitar kita yang fantastis. manusia mengamati obyek-obyek dengan phenomena
alam melalui panca indra: penglihatan, pendengaran, perabaan, penciuman, dan
perasa/pengecap. Informasi yang kita peroleh, dapat menuntun keinginan-tahuan,
mempertanyakan, memikirkan, melakukan interprestasi tentang lingkungan kita,
dan meneliti lebih lanjut. Selain itu, kemampuan mengamati merupakan
keterampilan paling dasar dalam memproses dan memperoleh ilmu pengetahuan serta
merupakan hal esensial untuk mengembangkan keterampilan-keterampilan proses
lain. Mengamati merupakan tanggapan kita terhadap berbagai obyek dan peristiwa
alam dengan menggunakan panca indra.
2. Mengklasifikasikan
Agar kita memahami sejumlah besar obyek,
peristiwa, dan segala yang ada dalam kehidupan disekitar kita, lebih mudah
apabila menentukan berbagai jenis golongan. Mengklasifikasikan merupakan
keterampilan proses untuk memilahkan berbagai obyek dan peristiwa berdasarkan
sifat-sifat khususnya, sehingga didapatkan golong-an/kelompok sejenis dari
obyek atau peristiwa yang dimaksud. Contoh kegiatan yang menampakkan ketrampilam
mengklasifikasikan adalah mengklasifikasikan makhluk hidup selain manusia
menjadi dua kelompok: binatang dan tumbuhan, mengklasifikasikan binatang
beranak dan bertelur, mengklasifikasikan cat berdasarkan warna, dan kegiatan
lain yang sejenis.
3. Mengkomunikasikan
Kemampuan berkomunikasi dengan yang lain
merupakan dasar untuk segala yang kita kerjakan. Grafik, bagan, peta,
lambang-lambang, diagram, persamaan matematika, dan demonstrasi visual, sama
baiknya dengan kata-kata yang ditulis atau dibicarakan, semua adalah cara-cara
komunikasi yang sering kali digunakan dalam ilmu pengetahuan. Manusia mulai
belajar pada awal-awal kehidupan bahwa komunikasi merupakan dasar untuk
memecahkan masalah.
Mengkomunikasikan dapat diartikan sebagai
menyampaikan dan memperoleh fakta, konsep dan prinsip ilmu pengetahuan dalam
bentuk suara, visual, dan/atau suara visual. Contoh-contoh kegiatan dari
keterampilan mengkomunikasikan adalah mendiskusikan masalah, membuat laporan,
membaca peta, dan kegiatan lain yang sejenis.
4. Mengukur
Berapa banyak? Berapa jaraknya? Berapa
ukurannya? Berapa jumlahnya? Pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini sering kita dengar atau
ajukan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dan kita perlu untuk memiliki kemampuan
menjawabnya dengan mudah. Pengembangan yang baik terhadap
keterampilan-keterampilan mengukur merupakan hal yang esensial dalam membina
observasi kuantitatif, mengklasifikasikan dan membandingkan segala sesuatu
disekeliling kita, serta mengkomunikasikan secara tepat dan efektif kepada yang
Mengukur dapat diartikan sebagai
membandingkan yang diukur dengan satuan ukuran tertentu yang telah ditetapkan
sebelumnya. Contoh-contoh kegiatan yang menampakkan keterampilan mengukur
antara lain: mengukur panjang garis, mengukur berat badan, mengukur temperatur
kamar, dan kegiatan lain yang sejenis.
5. Memprediksi
Suatu prediksi merupakan suatu ramalan dari apa
yang kemudian hari mungkin dapat diamati.
Kegiatan-kegiatan yang dapat digolongkan sebagai
keterampilan memprediksi, antara lain: berdasarkan pola-pola waktu terbitnya
matahari yang telah diobservasi dapat diprediksikan waktu terbitnya matahari
pada tanggal tertentu, memprediksikan waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menempuh
jarak tertentu dengan menggunakan kendaraan yang kecepatannya tertentu, dan kegiatan
lain yang sejenis.
6. Menyimpulkan
Menyimpulkan dapat diartikan sebagai suatu
keterampilan untuk memutuskan keadaan suatu obyek atau peristiwa berdasarkan
fakta, konsep, dan prinsip yang diketahui. Kegiatan-kegiatan yang menampakkan
keterampilan menyimpulkan, antara lain: berdasarkan pengamatan diketahui bahwa
api lilin mati setelah ditutup dengan gelas rapat-rapat, siswa menyimpulkan
bahwa lilin dapat menyala bila ada udara yang mengandung oksigen.
Enam keterampilan yang telah diuraikan
sebelumnya merupakan keterampilan-keterampilan dasar dalam keterampilan proses,
yang menjadi landasan untuk keterampilan proses terintegrasi pada hakikatnya
merupakan keterampilan-keterampilan yang diperlukan untuk melakukan penelitian.
Sepuluh keterampilan terintegrasi tersebut akan diuraikan berikut ini.
Mengenali variable
Ada dua macam variable yang perlu dikenal yakni
: variabel termanipulasi (manipulated variabel ) dan variabel terikat.
Pengenalan terhadap variabel berguna untuk merumuskan hipotesis penelitian.
Variabel dapat diartikan sebagai konsep yang
mempunyai variasi nilai atau konsep yang diberi lebih dari satu nilai. Dengan
dua batasan seperti disebutkan sebelumnya, Kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa
variabel merupakan konsep yang mempunyai variasi nilai atau segala sesuatu yang
dapat berubah/berganti dalam satu situasi.
Variabel termanipulasi (manipulated variable) is
deliberately changed in a situation (funk, 1985:89) sedangkan menurut surakhmad
(1978:63) menyebutnya sebagai variabel bebas yakni variabel yang diselidiki
pengaruhnya. Dengan kata lain, variabel termanipulasi atau variabel bebas dapat
kita artikan sebagai variabel yang dengan sengaja diubah-ubah dalam suatu
situasi dan diselidiki pengaruhnya.
2. Membuat table data
Setelah melaksanakan pengumpulan data, seorang
penyidik harus mampu membuat table data. Keterampilan membuat table data perlu
dibelajarkan kepada siswa karena fungsinya yang penting untuk menyajikan data
yang diperlukan penelitian. Kegiatan-kegiatan yang dilaksanakan untuk
mengembangkan keterampilan membuat table data diantaranya adalah membuat table
frekuensi dan membuat table silang.
3. Membuat grafik
Keterampilan membuat grafik adalah kemampuan
mengolah data untuk disajikan dalam bentuk visualisasi garis atau bidang datar
dengan variabel termanipulasi selalu pada sumbu datar dan variabel hasil selalu
ditulis sepanjang sumbu vertical. Data untuk setiap variabel terjadi
sebagaimana terjadi pada table data.
Kegiatan-kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan untuk
mengembangkan keterampilan membuat grafik diantaranya adalah membaca data dalam
table, membuat grafik garis, membuat grafik balok, dan membuat grafik bidang
4. Manggambarkan hubungan
antar variabel
Hubungan antar variabel dalam penelitian perlu
dideskripsikan oleh setiap peneliti. Keterampilam mendiskripsikan hubungan
antar variabel merupakan salah satu kemampuan yang harus dimiliki oleh setiap
peneliti. Keterampilan menggambarkan hubungan antar variabel dapat diartikan
sebagai kemampuan mendeskripsikan hubungan antar variabel termanipulasi dengnan
variabel hasil hubungan antara variabel-variabel yang sama. Hubungan antar
variabel ini perlu digambarkan karena merupakan inti penelitian ilmah.
5. Mengumpulkan data dan
mengolah data
Keterampilan mengumpulkan dan mengolah data
adalah kemampuan memperoleh informasi/data dari orang atau sumber informasi
lain dengan cara lisan, tertulis, atau pengamatan dan mengkajinya lebih lanjut
secara kuantitatif atau kualitatif sebagai dasar pengujian hipotesis atau
Untuk mengembangkan keterampilan mengumpulkan dan
mengolah data dapat melalui kegiatan yang diantaranya adalah membuat instrument
pengumpulan data, mentabulasi data, menghitung nilai kuadrat, menentukan
tingkat signifikasi hasil perhitungan dan kegiatan lain yang sejenis.
6. Menganalisis penelitian
Keterampilan menganalisis penelitian merupakan
kemampuan menelaah laporan penelitian orang lain untuk meningkatkan pengenalan
terhadap unsur-unsur penelitian. Kegiatan yang dapat dilaksanakan untuk
mengembangkan keterampilan menganalisis diantaranya adalah mengenali variabel,
mengenali rumusan hipotesis, dan kegiatan lain yang sejenis.
7. Menyusun hipotesis
umumnya penelitian dimaksudkan untuk
menguji hipotesis, maka dapat dipahami mengapa menyusun atau merumuskan
hipotesis merupakan langkah yang penting sekali didalam penelitian. Pentingnya
keterampilan menyusun hipotesis dalam pelaksanaan penelitian, menyebabkan
penting pula untuk dimiliki oleh para calon penyelidik (siswa).
Mendefinisikan variabel
Seperti yang kita ketahui, setiap cabang ilmu
pengetahuan mencari hubungan yang sistematis antar variabel. Untuk memudahkan
penyistematisan hubungan antar variabel.
9. Merancang penelitian
Agar suatu penelitian dapat dilaksanakan secara
baik dan menghasilkan sesuatu yang berguna dan bermakna, maka diperlukan adanya
rancangan penelitian. Rancangan penelitian ini diharapkan selalu dibuat pada
setiap kegiatan penelitian. Merancang penelitian dapat diartikan sebagai suatu
kegiatan untuk mendeskripsikan variabel-variabel yang dimanipulasi dan direspon
dalam penelitian secara operasional, kemungkinan dikontrolnya variabel
hipotesisi yang diuji dan cara mengujinya, serta hasil yang diharapkan dari
penelitian yang akan dilaksanakan. Contoh kegiatan yang tercakup dalam
keterampilan merancang penelitian adalah :
1. Mengenali, menentukan,
dan merumuskan masalah yang akan diteliti.
2. Merumuskan satu atau lebih “dugaan yang dianggap
benar” dalam rangka menjawab masalah.
Merumuskan “dugaan yang dianggap benar” ini disebut menyusun hipotesis.
Menyusun hipotesis dapat
dilakukan dengan mendasarkan dugaan pada pengalaman sebelumnya atau observasi atau intuisi.
Memilih alat/instrument
yang tapat untuk membuktikan kebenaran hipotesis yang dirumuskan.
10. Bereksperimen
Eksperimen merupakan salah satu bentuk
penelitian yang sering kali dilaksanakan oleh seorang tanpa disadari.
Bereksperimen dapat diartikan sebagai keterampilan untuk mengadakan pengujian
terhadap ide-ide yang bersumber dari fakta, konsep,, dan prinsip ilmu
pengetahuan sehingga dapat diperoleh informasi yang menerima atau menolak
ide-ide itu.
Contoh-contoh yang menampakkan keterampilan
bereksperimen antara lain : menguji kebenaran pernyataan bahwa semua zat memuai
bila terkena panas dan yang tidak langsung terkena sinar matahari.
D. Penerapan Keterampilan Proses dalam Pembelajaran
Penerapan Keterampilan Proses dalam pembelajaran
bukan merupakan hal yang mengada-ada, akan tetapi merupakan hal yang wajar dan
harus dilaksanakan oleh setiap guru dalam pembelajarannya. Untuk dapat
menerapkan Penerapan Keterampilan Proses dalam pembelajaran, kita perlu
mempertimbangkan dan memperhatikan karakteristik siswa dan karakteristik mata
pelajaran/bidang studi. Selain itu, kita perlu menyadari bahwa dalam suatu kegiatan
pembelajaran dapat terjadi pengembangan lebih dari satu macam keterampilan
Untuk keterampilan dasar yakni mengobservasi,
mengklasifikasi, memprediksi, mengukur, menyimpulkan, dan mengkomunikasikan
pengembangannya tidak berhenti hanya pada jenjang sekolah dasar.
Penerapan keterampilan
terintegrasi PKP dalam pembelajaran jenjang pendidikan SLTP dan sekolah
menengah atas (SMA) memerlukan pembahasan teori dari tiap keterampilan
terintegrasi akan membantu memudahkan siswa mempraktekannya. Mengingat
keterampilan terintegrasi dalam PKP merupakan keterampilan melaksanakan suatu
kegiatan penelitian, maka penerapannya
dalam pembelajaran hendaknya dilakukan dengan urutan yang hirarkis. Dengan kata
lain, sebelum satu keterampilan dikuasai siswa jangan berpindah kepada
keterampilan lainnya.
dasar mengajar merupakan keterampilan dasar mengajar yang perlu dimiliki oleh
guru dari semua bidang studi. Jika dipertimbangkan bahwa bidang-bidang studi yang bermacam-macam mempunyai
ciri-ciri pengajaran yang khas,keterampilan mengajar untuk bidang-bidang
studi khusus perlu dikembangkan.Keterampilan dasar mengajar tersebut.
mengajar bagi seorang guru adalah sangat penting kalau ia ingin menjadi seorang
guru yang profesional, jadi disamping dia harus menguasai bidang studi yang dimampu,
keterampilan dasar mengajar juga merupakan keterampilan penunjang untuk
keberhasilan dia dalam proses belajar mengajar.
Penerapan keterampilan terintegrasi
Penerapan Keterampilan Proses dalam
pembelajaran jenjang pendidikan SLTP dan sekolah menengah atas (SMA) memerlukan
pembahasan teori dari tiap keterampilan terintegrasi akan membantu memudahkan
siswa mempraktekannya. Mengingat keterampilan terintegrasi dalam Penerapan Keterampilan
Proses merupakan keterampilan melaksanakan
suatu kegiatan penelitian.
maka penerapannya dalam pembelajaran hendaknya
dilakukan dengan urutan yang hirarkis. Dengan kata lain, sebelum satu
keterampilan dikuasai siswa jangan berpindah kepada keterampilan lainnya.
Nasution, Noehi,
dkk.2007. Pendidikan IPA di SD. Jakarta : Universitas Terbuka
.Moedjiono dan Moh. Dimyati. 1992/ 1993. Strategi Belajar
Mengajar. Jakarta: DEPDIKBUD
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