Friday, May 23, 2014


‘’The Study Of Learner English’’

Name                                      nim
L.Moh.Masdar                                11.411.104
Miftahul Yuda                                 11.411.108
Ahmad Rizal                                    11.411.113
Mawardi                                          11.411.118
Suparjan                                          11.411.136


      Praise belongs to Allah for all the blessings, grace, and His guidance that no measurable amount, so that we can complete a paper with the title "The Study Of Learner English
In preparation, we gained a lot of support from other parties, so we would like to thank everyone who has helped us so the creation of this paper. Hopefully all of this could give a little happiness and lead to a better pace.

              Many shortcomings inherent in this paper. Therefore, we expect criticism and constructive suggestions that this paper can be better. Finally, we hope that this paper is useful for all readers.

                                                                                                Mataram, December 18,2013

PREFACE .........................................................................................................................i
TABLE OF CONTAIN......................................................................................................ii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................1
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION ............................................................................................1
1.      Language transfer...................................................................................3
2.      Intralingual Interferences .......................................................................3
3.      Sociolinguistics Situation. ......................................................................4
4.      Modality. ...............................................................................................5
5.      Age. .......................................................................................................5
6.      Successions of Approximative Systems. ................................................5
7.      Universal Hierarchy of Difficulty. .........................................................6
B.     THE SIGNIFICANCE OF LEARNER SYSTEMS.........................................7
CHAPTER III CLOSE................................................................................................8
A.   Conclusion.................................................................................................8
B.   Reference ......................................................................................................... 9


Traditionally, second language acquisition can refer to the scientific study of the second-language learning process. It means that second language acquisition refers to what the learner does, it does not refer to what teachers do. As stated by Menyuk (1971) that study of the child-learner’s errors does indeed throw light on the types of the cognitive and linguistic processes that appear to be part of language learning process. In addition, Corner (1971) stated that in second language learning, the learner’s errors are indicative both of the state of the learner’s knowledge, and of the ways in which a second language is learned.
According to Richard and Sampson that while current linguistic theories are more insightful than previous ones, there has not been a corresponding increase in the desriptive or explanatory powers of theories of second language acquisition. Furthermore, they also added that the data gathered could perhaps provide corrective feedback to general linguistic theory and to language teaching practice.


            The concept of second language acquisition and how it is to be described and understood is widely debated. Boaz (1889) suggested that learners perceived sounds in new languages in terms of their native language or other languages to which they had earlier been exposed. With the emergence of the notion of language as a system however, the question of second language acquisition could be viewed as the juxtaposition of two systems.
            Lado (1957) tended to emphasize points of contrast between two language systems. Contrastive analysis subsequently arose as a field of research. To be sure, contrast between systems was understood not to be only factor involved in second language learning.
            According to Corder (1967) linguists study the process of language acquisition and the various strategies learners may use. In line with this statement, Strevens (1969) hypotesized that errors should not be viewed as problems to be overcome, but rather as normal and inevitable features indiating the strategies that learners use.
            On the contrary, Nemser (1971) in his early work aimed at the collection and evaluation of relevant interference data. In line with Nemser, Briere (1968) attempted to test empirically the amount of interference that would ensue from competing phonological categories. Errors which did not fit systematically into the native language or target language systems were, for the most part, ignored.
            Current research tends to focus on the learner himself as generator of the grammar of his sentences in the new language. It is reflected in a growing terminology for a field of research which deals with the learner’s attempts to internalize the grammar of the language he is learning. This terminology includes error analysis, idiosyncratic dialects, interlanguage, approximative systems, transitional competence, l’etat de dialecte.
The small amount of research and speculation about learners’ approximative systems mention seven factors that may influence and characterize the second language learner systems:

1.             Language transfer.
Sentences in the target language my exhibit interferences from the mother tongue. Interference analysis tends to be from the deviant sentence back to the mother tongue, while contrastive analysis predicts errors by comparing the linguistic systems of the mother tongue and the target langauge. As stated by George (1971) that one-third of the deviant sentences from second language learners could be attribute to language transfer. However, until the role of other factors is more understood, it is not possible to evaluate the amount of systematic interference due to language transfer alone.

2.             Intralingual Interferences.
Richards (1970) proposed intralingual interferences refer to items produced by the learner which reflect not the structure of the mother tongue, but generalizations based on partial exposure to the target language. Furthermore, he found systematic intralingual errors to involve overgeneralization, ignorance of rule restrictions, incompete application of rules, and semantic errors.
Like first language learners, the second language learner tries to derive the rules behind the data to which he has been exposed, and may develop hypotheses that correspond neither to the mother tongue nor target language. As stated by Torrey (1966) in his experiment on learning Russian word order, subjects sometimes adopted a consistent word order diffferent from either Russian or English. In line with this experiment, Brudhiprabha (1972) on his studies of Thai Learner of English, many intralingual errors represent the learning difficulty of what are often low level rules in the target language.

3.             Sociolinguistics Situation.
Different settings language use result in different degrees and types of language learning. Terms of the effects of the socio-cultural setting on the learner’s language are different from terms of the relationship holding between the learner and the target language community and the respective linguistic markers of these relations and identities such as the effects of the learner’s particular motivations for learning the second language as well as the effects of the socio-cultural setting.
Sociolinguistics situation leads to inclusion of the general motivational variables which influence language learning. Psychologists have related the types of language learning achieved to the role of the language in relation to the learner’s needs and perceptions. In focusing on the type of relationship holding between the learner and the target language community it would be appropriate to consider non-standard dialects, pidgins, creoles, and immigrant language learning. According to Ferguson (1971) the phenomenon of simplification in some language contact situations, represented by the absence of the copula, reduction of morphological and inflectional system, and grammatical simplification, may likewise be socially motivated. 
In addition, Mackey (1962 noted that in describing interference one must account for variation according to medium, style, or register in which the speaker is operating. Sampson (1971) suggested that varying situations evoke different kinds of errors in varying quantities when children are trying to use the target language.

4.             Modality.
The learner’s language may vary according to the modality of exposure to the target language and the modality of production. Vildomec (1963) observed that interferences between the bilingual’s languages is generally in the productive rather than in receptive side. Some of the modalities affecting the learner’s approximative system are auditory cues, spelling pronunciations, and confusions of written and spoken styles.
5.             Age.
Some aspects of the child’s learning capacities change as he grows older and these may affect language learning. Lenneberg (1967) noted a period of primary language acquisition, postulated to be biologically determined, beginning when the child starts to walk and continuing until puberty.
In some ways adults are better prepared for language learning than children. Adults have better memories, a larger store of abstract concepts that can be used in learning, and a greater ability to form new concepts. Children however are better imitators of speech sounds. Ervin-Tripp (1970) suggested tht adult mother tongue development is primarily in terms of vocabulary. The adult’s strategies of language learning may be more vocabulary oriented than syntactic.
6.             Successions of Approximative Systems.
It concerns the lack stability of the learner’s approximative system. Because the circumtances for individual language learning are never identical, the acquisition of new lexical, phonological and syntactic items varies from one individual to another.
Since most studies of second language learners systems have dealt with the learner’s production rather than his comprehension of language, the question also arises as to whether the grammar by which the learner understands speech is the same as that by which he produces speech. According to Troike (1969) assuming the learner hears and understands standard English but produses a significant number of deviant sentences, the distinction between his receptive competence (the rules he understands) and his productive competence (the rules he uses) may be useful.
Evidence from earlier studies indicates that many phonological replacements found in the speech of second language learners are unique to the approximative system.
7.             Universal Hierarchy of Difficulty.
It concerns with the inherent difficulty for man of certain phonological, syntactic or semantic items and structures.
         A hierarchy of difficulty
        is concerned with the inherent difficulty for man of certain phonological, syntactic or semantic items and structures
        Some forms may be inherently difficult to learn: e.g. /v/-/ð/ & /f/-/θ/ in English
        may affect the learner’s organization of what he perceives and the organization of what he produces
         The cues which the learner uses to identify elements in the new language
        cognates, derivatives, loan words
        where the target language follows a structure in the mother tongue: is it feasible to compare categories across language? No – what is syntax in one language e.g. may be vocabulary in another
         What the learner finds difficult will also depend on the degree and nature of what he has acquired of the SL
         SL knowledge = part of the data by which the learner infers the meaning of new elements (plural markers, tense markers, word order constraints etc.)
         Difficulty in language learning defined by psycholinguists
        sentence length
        processing time required
        derivational complexity
        types of embedding
        number of transformations
        semantic complexity
         Comprehension vs. production
        Learners may avoid a word or structure they find difficult (in production): I’m going to telephone you tonight  instead  I’ll telephone you tonight – not the case in comprehension
        Why first learned words/structures tend to be overused and may resist replacement by latter taught one: Facility and economy of effort

The difference between first language acquisition and second language learning:
First language acquisition
Second language learning
learning of the mother tongue is the part of the whole maturational process of the child
Learning a second language normally begins only after the maturational process

The learner’s errors provide evidence of the system of the language that is using at the particular point at the course. For the teacher, it can give information about how far the goal has been reached, and what remains for him/her to be learned.



Target language  is a very important part of second language learning. The ability to communicate in a second language clearly and efficiently contributes to the success of the learner in school and success later in every phase of life. Therefore, it is essential that language teachers pay great attention to teaching target language.  


Richards, J.C. & Sampson, G.P. (1974). The study of learner English. Reprinted in J.C. Richards. (Ed.) (1994). Error Analysis. Perspectives on second language acquisition. (13th ed.) London: Longman, pp. 3-18.


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